Spaces – Photo exhibition & sound salads

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Spaces – Photo exhibition & sound salads

Die Turnhalle19.06.2015 - 04.07.2015, Ganztägig

Spaces - Photo exhibition & sound salads

© Elodie Grethen

June, 30, 19:00

June, 19—July, 4 2015

What does it mean to be alone in a public space? How do individuals stay in touch with their identity while being surrounded by the city, by others, by nature? And does the photographer, by capturing this moment, alter or spoil the authenticity of this intimacy to one’s self?

Spaces shows a series of moments of reflexion, peace and lost thoughts spent in an open space, in different parts of the world. It investigates the relation to our inner self while also making room for the environment itself. This duality exposes the bond of a person to their surroundings and the need of loneliness.

Meanwhile, through her „Sounds Salads“, Emée Soulcié explores space on a different level. Playing within the auditive sphere, she mixes sounds of the “foreign” collected during various travels. Each track provides an insight into the perception of the travelling self, to whom every sound becomes new, unique and intriguing.

Through this collaboration, the exhibition gives the public a chance to experience the same intimacy as the photographed subjects. While surrounded by the sound of foreign places, the visitor is plunged into the uncanny of private spheres, be they mental, physical or auditive. A “moment à soi” to be experienced with headphones on (don’t forget to bring yours!). The audio track will be available under

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